The Weight of College on Seniors


Artwork done with WordArt by Anna Nathanson.

Anna Nathanson, Contributing Writer

College application season. Guidance counselors dread this time of the year, but high school seniors dread it even more. In a highly competitive world, applying to college seems like a major deal. There is an extreme amount of pressure on students from parents, teachers and peers about college. Sometimes, students put the most pressure on themselves. During this process, students need to be reminded that whatever college they go to, they will be successful in their own way. 

Erin Short, Principal of Solon High School (SHS), and Melissa Creamer, a Spanish teacher at SHS, both said that when they applied to college, there was minimal pressure on where they went to school. 

“We didn’t talk about it a lot,” said Creamer. ”I only knew where my close friends were applying. A lot of kids went into the military or technical schools. It wasn’t as competitive as it is now.” 

If applying to college wasn’t the only topic we talked about senior year, things would be a lot easier. The application process is stressful as it is, so students need time to get their mind off college. As long as college students make the most of their time at school, they will be successful.

“You can be successful no matter where you go, whether it’s Cleveland State or Harvard,” said Vittorio Hayek, a Junior at SHS.

Accepting this seems to be hard for some students, teachers and parents. From experience, the majority of people going through college applications seem to be concerned about going to a “good” college.

“I took the ACT once, and got a 27,” said Short. “I walked in, took the test and never thought anything of it. We didn’t even have to write college essays.” 

The college application process would be so much easier if this was the case: No essays, taking the ACT once and applying. Compared to what seniors do now, this is nothing. SHS Senior, Gabi Gerome, has taken the ACT and SAT a total of nine times. 

Ms. Short, who attended the University of Akron, is a principal for one of the top schools in the country.

“Where you go to school is not going to determine how successful you are,” said Short. “I am successful today because of what’s on the inside, not where I went to school. I know if you try to better your best every day, you will be successful.” 

This is important for students, especially seniors, to remember during this tough process. No matter where students end up, they have the opportunity to be successful.

“All you needed was a pulse to get in (to University of Akron),” Short said.

Not actually of course, but at the time, getting accepted was easier. Starting out at a college that, at the time, was easy to get accepted to, and becoming the principal for one of the best schools in the country, is impressive. This proves how anyone can be successful, no matter the college.

“Everyone stresses out so much and they put a lot of pressure on themselves to go to this one school,” Creamer said. “If you don’t get into a school then it’s not meant to be. You’re not meant to go there. Be patient.” 

This is advice that a lot of students need to hear at this point in the application process. Anyone can be successful no matter where they go, and what they do.