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Jimmy Carr’s newest Netflix special will shock you

Netflix promotional poster for Jimmy Carrs Natural Born Killer special.
Netflix promotional poster for Jimmy Carr’s Natural Born Killer special.

Jimmy Carr is a comedic genius. A comedian from the UK, he makes jokes about things other comedians and public figures would not touch with a ten foot pole, and he executes it perfectly. Some common topics he includes in his shows are domestic violence, abortion and gun control.

Jimmy Carr’s most recent Netflix special could be defined as some of his best work. It starts with controversial jokes right off the bat.

“It’s a cliche I suppose, but I used to tell jokes at school to stop kids from bullying me,” Carr said. “They used to shout mean things like ‘Get out of our playground you pedophile.’”

This attitude continues the entire way through the hour-long performance. Those easily offended should be warned against watching.

His show starts with what could be considered offensive remarks to many people, and they are executed beautifully for comedy’s sake.

Carr starts his crowd work early, and goes back to it often, asking the crowd about things ranging from being a parent to being vegan.

There is heavy use of vulgar and inappropriate language in this show, not for the faint of heart. His skits often depict inappropriate scenes. One of these is a joke about his son finding him cheating on his wife.

Carr knows that many do not like his comedy style and states that he doesn’t care.

“Jokes are like magnets, they attract and they repel,” Carr said. “Some people are repelled by my jokes, and they’re at home now online trying to get me canceled.”

About halfway through the show, Carr jokes to the audience how he will be getting to the really offensive stuff now, after already joking about topics such as abortion and anti-vaxxers.

“Knife crime,” Carr said. “Huge problem in the UK. What can be done? Well, a simple solution. Guns. Right, no knife crime in America, is there?”

Carr stops at nothing in terms of his comedy, however, never going too far in my opinion. He in fact makes a joke about the Supreme Court’s decision regarding abortion.

“So in America, the Supreme Court is stopping women from aborting fetuses,” Carr said. “They don’t feel, they haven’t got hearts, they’re brainless, yet somehow, the Supreme Court is in charge.”

During the show, his jokes were not the only great thing. He had a fairly well timed performance, never having one joke in succession after another, or waiting an egregious amount of time between jokes. His pacing is also well done, if not a bit fast, his performance is just under an hour, this being on par with his previous specials.

His body language is also well done, giving a calm feeling to his performance. His voice gives a calm sensatio with a smooth sound.

Although the performance was well done, there was one problem. Despite the fact that Carr does a range of jokes with crowd work and does it often, it left a bit to be desired. His crowd work jokes felt a bit stale and scripted for crowd work like they would have made their way into the show no matter the crowd response.

Overall in Jimmy Carr’s most recent special he does well to make the jokes that put him into the limelight. There is nothing Jimmy Carr will not make a joke about.

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