Juniors get a jumpstart on their future
December 20, 2016
With second quarter coming to an end, the Solon High School guidance department gathered juniors on Dec. 2 to discuss how to prepare for college.
“Preparation begins with freshman mentoring,” guidance counselor Kathleen Kinney said. “And continues through sessions with guidance [throughout students’ high school careers.] All of the things we do are designed to ultimately lead to students being prepared to apply for college. Things intensify junior year with Junior Jumpstart and continue [senior year.]”

Guidance distributed multiple handouts to juniors. The college and career planning packet is due on Jan. 6.
Between raising grade point averages and volunteer work, juniors are reminded that they need to continue growing their resumes throughout this school year and upcoming summer. Guidance counselors encourage students to continue to pursue activities, sports, hobbies and clubs. This will not only help their credentials, but will also give them an outline of what they’re looking for in a college.
Guidance counselors also brought up the importance of researching colleges now rather than later. They suggested not only reading into schools, but visiting different colleges and signing up for formal tours to really get the feel for the specific campus. This is simple for most, but more difficult for those without an idea of what they want to major in. While guidance assured their doors are always open for students struggling with the process, some of those students are hesitant to use the resource to their advantage.
Current SHS senior Abby Rastenis said she regrets not taking the help offered to her last year. With personal stressors in her life, she said the college process was a burden to deal with on her own.
“If you’re struggling, don’t be afraid to ask [your guidance counselor] for help,” Rastenis said. “I really wish I had done that earlier.”
Kinney advises every student to visit guidance, even if they don’t need help.
“Ask us your questions and come see us,” Kinney said. “We want to help and share what we know with you. The added bonus is that your counselor gets to know you better when you do this. The more your counselor knows you, the more he or she can offer resources specifically for you.”
With resources from the SHS guidance department and on the SHS website, students have a lot of support to choose from. With stress and other school activities, the college process can be delayed and pushed back easily, so guidance advises students to get started on this journey early.
“It was very stressful because personally I procrastinate most things,” SHS senior Carter Asnien said. “There were a lot of things that needed to be turned in and it just seemed like a new thing just seemed to pop up after I finished the turning in my last portion of the application. The only thing I can tell you is to get everything in a soon as you can. I know it seems like a burden at first but once the process is complete it feels like a huge weight has been lifted off of you.”
Juniors are required to turn in the college and career planning packet to guidance by Jan. 6 and are encouraged to view the college planning links on the guidance website.