Spring is for workouts

Photo Credit: JCC Rockland

Christina Cartwright, Managing Editor

As the year progresses and spring slowly approaches, it is the perfect time to go outside and get some exercise. Whether it’s just a normal jog down the block, or an intense full body workout, there are plenty of ways to exercise outside in the sun. I asked a few of Solon High School’s athletic faculty and staff to share their springtime workout routines.

One of the few differences between working out in winter and spring were what parts of the body were being exercised. Security staff member and track coach David Burke shared how he focuses less on bulking up in spring time and more on slimming down.

“In the spring and summer time I [focus more on] toning than bulking up,” Burke explained. “I do less weight [lifting] and higher repetitions. Right now I’m in the middle of toning out, so I’ve been doing a lot more aerobic exercises to burn more calories and get more lean.”

Along with switching up your workout routine, spring is also a time when you can switch up who you exercise with. Many people will go from working out alone in the winter to working out in group together in the springtime. Health and Physical Education teacher Melissa Fitzgerald shared that working out in the sunshine motivates her to try fun activities with her close friends and family.

“[In spring] I do a lot of outdoor activities such as hiking, walking, biking, golf and tennis,”  Fitzgerald said. “These are the types activities people can do with family and friends. We’re cooped up all winter so it’s important to get some fresh air and spend time with loved ones.”

Fitzgerald gave some insight on what it is that truly motivates her to get out and work out her body. She stated that there’s nothing better to her then finishing a great work out. She also said that as a Physical Education teacher, it’s important to be a good role model to her students and her own children, because if she doesn’t stay healthy it will completely contradict what she’s trying to teach her students.

Burke also shared that what drives him to work out is the physical labor of it all.

“I like to work out and honestly, I like to sweat,” Burke shared. “I like to struggle through my workouts. I like that feeling of my stomach cramping while going through core and the feeling of not being able to finish a set of legs [because I’m so exhausted.] Overall, I love the accomplishment I get after I finish a tough workout.”

Another huge motivator to work out is how it impacts your body. Although initially it may be tiring and leave your body sore, in the end it’ll help you improve not only physically, but mentally as well. Fitzgerald explained how she has transitioned to barre and yoga workouts because she thinks it betters her both her body and mind.

There are many benefits to working out no matter what season it is. But since it’s springtime people can focus more on outdoor exercise than indoor. If someone is still feeling unmotivated or claim they don’t have time to work out, Burke gave some personal insight as to why it is so important to him to get at least some exercise in everyday.   

“I’m single, and to be honest I like to look good,” Burke said while laughing. “But also, it’s good for your heart and it keeps your blood flowing, and if you start working out it could also direct you towards a better diet. Overall it can help improve the quality of your life, which is why I try to stay healthy.”