Homecoming is here

A night in paris. Photo Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/216806169532404520/
October 5, 2018
Solon High School’s (SHS) Homecoming Dance will be held on Sat. Oct. 6 from 7:30-10:30 p.m. The theme: A Night in Paris.
Co-President of Student Council Raj Sohal said a Night in Paris should make the dance unique.
“We decided a Night in Paris because we were tired of the all the cliche or very unconventional themes, so we wanted to try something new as well as bring a cultural vibe to it,” Sohal said.
To go with the theme, there will be French based decorations, an Eiffel Tower and a photo booth, featuring a French background.
“We’re hoping to receive a more positive feedback, as well as improve in minor details [such as DJ, decor and interactives like the photo booth]” Sohal said. “The photo booth and Eiffel Tower are potential scenes for a lot of potential photos.”
With homecoming ending early last year, Student Council hopes to improve the dance this year. The Eiffel Tower was added so that there would be an additional area for pictures other than the photo booth.
“It’s really gonna only be as fun as you make it. If you apply negative connotation on the dance, and enter with a negative mindset, you won’t have fun.” Sohal said
Started Oct. 1, SHS will kick off homecoming with spirit week. Student Council member Ayse Gurler said this year’s spirit week had different themes, so they didn’t coincide with the football game themes. These are one of the changes that Student Council has made to differ from last years homecoming week.
“We changed tropical to groutfit (all grey outfit),” Gurer said. “Other members thought something different would be fun.”
At the end of the day on Friday, SHE will be having a pep rally.
During the pep rally the SHS cheerleaders, the Solon Starlets, and the Solon Varsity Football team will all be recognized. The cheerleaders will perform a cheer and a crowd cheer, while the Starlets will perform a dance. Then finally the football players will come out and the whole school will sing their ultimatum.
Following the pep rally [Friday night,] the Solon Comets will be playing the Euclid Panthers at home at 7 p.m. for their homecoming game. The theme for the game is a Pink Out. During this game they will be announcing Homecoming King and Queen.
Friday night is also the deadline for purchasing homecoming tickets.
Solon High School History teacher Jill Frimel- Harvey said, “Students must arrive no later than 8:30 p.m. to be let it in. Also if you leave the dance, you cannot reenter.” Breathalyzers will be used as students enter the dance.
If a student wants to bring a guest from another school, he/she must complete a Guest Authorization Form online. This form must be completed before tickets can be purchased.
Tickets will be sold online for $20 from Sept. 24-Oct. 5. Students who owe fees from previous year or have not submitted their emergency contact forms will not be able to purchase a Homecoming ticket.
If a student wants to bring a guest from another school, he/she must complete a Guest Authorization Form online. This form must be completed before tickets can be purchased. Tickets must be purchased by midnight, October 5. No tickets will be sold at the door, all tickets will be sold online.
Bon Voyage!