Ali takes basketball

Yasminah Ali calling a play.

Taylor Hicks, Contributing Writer

Solon High School (SHS) senior Yasminah (Minah) Ali has captivated the people’s interest in Solon Girls Basketball team. When people walk through the hallways talking about the team, they focus their attention on Minah Ali.

She has been on the SHS Girls Basketball team since freshman year.

Minah has been around basketball all her life because her brother played it- she feels that it was only right to go through with the family tradition.

“I developed a passion for the game itself so it will never become a chore,” said Minah Ali.

She began playing as a varsity player as a sophomore and lettered in the sport later that year.

Her teammate Kailyn McQueen expressed how Minah has the passion and determination to help make her thrive in this sport.

Although she is considered a star player, all players have a weakness. Her teammate McQueen and Minah Ali expressed how everyone on the team has weaknesses and strengths but they overcome all of that through teamwork.

“Particularly shooting is Minah’s weakness, but driving to the basket is definitely her strength,”  McQueen said.

Another weakness Minah Ali struggles with is time management,but she is determined to make it work. When she’s on the floor nothing else matters but making her team better and making herself better and reaching a goal.

“Yes, there’s a lot of stress that comes with basketball,” Minah Ali said. “It’s hard to balance social life and grades, and also, the coaches can be very stressful.”

Minah Ali has strengths also include communication skills and helping her teammates.

Also, her teammates often refer to Minah Ali as a leader of the team.

She expressed that leadership is not just with one person but each person leads the team in different ways.

“It’s a lot of pressure because you always have to be on your A game, but it’s fun and humbling to be a leader, but I wouldn’t take all the credit,” Minah Ali said. “I am one of the lead players, not the star.”

With all the demand on her, Minah Ali has to manage her change of attitude on the court. She admitted that she can be temperamental, but she tries to keep it out of the game.

“I’m mature enough to contain my outbursts, but it is frustrating,” Minah Ali said.

McQueen said that when they’re off the court, Minah Ali is a totally different person. McQueen described Minah Ali as “outgoing” and “goofy.”

These characteristics helped these two grow more fond of each other.

“Playing on this team together since 7th grade has definitely brought us closer,” McQueen said. “I consider Minah a sister. She’s helped me improve in so many ways including off the court and on the court.”

Additionally, even though they see each other all the time, Riyah Ali said she loves playing with her sister.

“I enjoy playing with my sister I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Riyah Ali said.

One piece of inspiration Minah Ali would give to future Solon Girls Basketball players is to always be a good sport no matter the outcome.

“It’s not about what you make of yourself, it’s how you carry yourself with every failure and achievement.”