Sims 4 Star Wars Game Pack Review

September 22, 2020
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away….
Well not so long ago and not so far away. Sims 4 on Sept. 8, added a new game pack to their collection bringing lots of controversy from the Sims community.
Most long-time Simmers don’t want this pack and would much rather have a game pack that makes the game more life-like. Simmers are also upset that the Sims pack makers spent time on making spaceships but they still haven’t been given cars.
Others also say that this new pack is just to try and bring new people into playing Sims because it doesn’t affect anything outside this pack (more on that later). However, based on my opinion of playing it for 4 hours on the day it came out, here’s what I think of the GamePlay, Creative Sim, Build Mode.
Game Play
In the Star Wars pack, your Sim can travel to Batuu and join the order, resistance, or scavengers. Who you choose determines who wins the war.
There are some problems with the game though. First: your Sim characters are unable to use the force; it’s only an animation for programmed characters.
Second: nothing from the other parts of Sims is affected by what you do in Batuu, meaning that they have their own kind of money different from Simoleons called Galactic.
Third: unless you know Star Wars, you will be confused by the tasks. The problem with the tasks is that it gives you what to do and the command but doesn’t explain how to do it or what you’re looking for.
Creative Sim
While you can use the clothing from the pack, in other worlds most of the clothing and outfits are a little weird and stand out unless you are doing a rags-to-riches challenge or a Sims Halloween party. Along with the standard Sim, there is also a completely different set of outfits for when you go to Batuu. Furthermore, the uniforms your Sim gets depends on the level you’re on in the game.
Build Mode
Unless you want to make a futuristic bar, the build mode stuff is pretty useless. First off, you can’t build anything in Batuu. Second, everything is large and, in some cases, trash -like.
In conclusion, Creative Sim is only useful to the one game back, Build Mode is just a bunch of trashy pieces that can be used in the one place it would make sense and Gameplay while does have an ok story is confusing unless you know the movies. to The Sims 4 is okay at best. I would not recommend getting The Sims 4 just to play with the Star Wars pack. However, if you already play The Sims 4 and just want something different to do, then check it out. It’s fun. It just has a few problems.