Stores attracting Solon students during Covid-19

Shopping bag from the Louis Vuitton store at the mall

Jaclyn Rzepka, Contributing Writer

Covid 19 has changed the shopping industry and world forever. Stores have shut down permanently and have had to adjust to new rules and regulations. Fitting rooms have closed, and clothes have been labeled as non returnable. The struggle to shop while the country is handling a global pandemic has never been so real. 

Senior Micaela Cirino has had to buy clothes without trying them on, and has been required to wear a face mask in any store she has entered. 

“I think stores are doing the best they can on tending to their customers,” Cirino said. “I feel uncomfortable when other people are ignorant of the rules, and aren’t wearing masks or socially distancing. This new world we live in is very weird. Society used to bump into one another but now there is a fear of one another.”

Stores are constantly steaming and disinfecting, and are not accepting cash as a form of payment. Senior Ryan Symmonds has had to wait in lines as long as two hours.

“Stores are only letting in 8-10 people and it takes forever,” Simmonds said. “I tried to use cash to buy a pair of shoes at Champs and I was declined. Money isn’t even accepted at stores anymore because it can transfer bacteria.”

Stores are changing the ways they operate, and have caused people to turn to online shopping as a way to handle long waiting lines.

Shipping rates have majorly increased over the past 6 months, and packages are taking longer than ever to get delivered. If someone decides to purchase something via the internet, it takes 5-10 business days to come.

Forever 21 is a fashion retailer that sells clothing for men and women. They have recently closed over 175 stores, and have filed for bankruptcy due to competitive online market pressure.

Nicollee Hammer, a senior at Solon High School offered some insight on the closure of some of her favorite stores, as well as the now increasingly high shipping rates. 

“Forever 21 is one of my favorite stores,” Hammer said. “It is a great store that has good clothes and cheap prices. I’m really sad they are closing so many stores, but I won’t be shopping with them much because of their high shipping rates. Shipping rates went up 6 months ago from Covid, but now I am sick of it. I refuse to pay $10 when the item itself is under $20.”

Stores with nationwide free shipping have been popular and are appealing to consumers.

“Amazon has 2 day prime shipping,” Cirino said. “I order something and it arrives at my door much faster than a lot of other stores. I feel that Amazon understands shipping rates add up and are costly. They understand it and accommodate their customers.”