SHS students share their thoughts on returning to school

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Sophia Spivey, Contributing Writer

The school year started off doing virtual learning back in August.

An email sent out to teachers and parents from the Solon City School board of education gives information about when students are expected to return back to school. They came to a consensus that students will be given the option to stay virtual, but otherwise will return to school for in-class learning on Oct.19.

Sandra Bowman, a senior at SHS, has doubts that students who have decided to go back to school will implement proper safety precautions, such as washing hands frequently and wearing masks properly, in order to keep them safe during the pandemic.

“I feel like once someone gets a fever or even a common cold…with the temperatures [dropping] and everything…everyone’s gonna get sick, ” Bowman said. 

Bowman also is concerned about the health of her teachers, knowing that they will be responsible and do what is necessary to stay healthy and safe. There is still a risk that they could obtain the virus from students who don’t take things seriously.

 Due to their ages, as well as pre-existing health conditions, there is a risk that they could catch the virus even if they are taking the proper precautions at school and in public.

“ I am worried so much for my teachers…a lot of them have pre-existing health conditions,” Bowman said. “I think the staff will be very responsible, but I have no faith in students.”

Bowman also believes that masks and gloves are necessary for those who are going back to school but overall, she more so supports virtual learning during the spread of the virus.

In contrast to Bowman, Melinda Goolemier, a sophomore at Solon High School,  believes that in-class learning helps her understand the subjects better. But she also adds that virtual learning is a safer option for the students and parents at the school.

“If I could understand the subject just as well as I do [in-class], I would definitely go virtual,” Goolemier said.

Goolemier is concerned about her grades when she is going virtual and thinks she learns better when she is at school rather than virtual. However, she would like to go virtual if she knew for sure that she could learn better.

Goolemier also believes that for kids going back to school, it will be difficult for them to abide by the safety precautions to stay safe during the pandemic. However, she feels they will soon adapt and do what they must to stay safe at school.

 So far, the students that have been interviewed from SHS agree with the concept of virtual learning and actually prefer virtual learning over in-class learning. 

Even if they miss being with their friends at school, they have a better chance of staying safe and healthy while also obtaining a suitable education during the pandemic.

Megan Horschler, another sophomore at Solon High School, talked about virtual vs in-class learning as well. Horschler believes that she understands her classes better when she is virtually learning compared to when she is going to school with in-class learning.

“I just understand things better because the teachers go slower,” Horschler said. “The only [bad] thing is that I can’t see my friends. [But] I feel like I learn better online.”

Horschler also believes that many students at Solon High School that will be returning back to in-school learning will not take any of the safety precautions seriously to stay safe.

She knows for sure a few students will rebel and not wear their masks properly, but she hopes that the majority of the students going back to school will do the right thing to keep everyone safe.

  The student’s that were interviewed believe it isn’t worth the risk going back to school and it’s better safe than sorry. Those returning to school for this year are at higher risk of obtaining the virus being around other students and staff. 

All students and staff will have to be very cautious at school and in public, as well as taking the safety precautions seriously in order to stay safe.