Drama Club season starts up again

Mira Atwah, right, acts as Katherine in last year’s production, “Freaky Friday.” Photo Courtesy of Doug Wolfe
September 23, 2021
As the new school year starts, more and more clubs meet before and after school. The Solon High School Drama Club gets ready for new shows and exciting upcoming events. Drama Club president and senior Mira Atwah answers some questions about the 2021-2022 season.
Q: How are this year’s season and last year’s different from each other?
A: Well, of course, last year we had a rough time with the COVID-19 pandemic but this year, we’re planning to go back to normal, as long as the school allows it, we’ll be all normal. We’ve also changed something in the sense that we have two fall plays this year: we decided to have a Halloween show and a Thanksgiving show. During the weekend of Halloween, we will have a pretty cool show called “Trap” and a lot of our drama club members will be involved in that to put on a pretty scary show. Our other show will take place the weekend before Thanksgiving, and that’s going to be more of a comedy show-murder mystery type. It will be really fun, and we’re really excited to have two fall plays this year– we’ve never done it, but it’s going to be fun. And, of course, we have the musical, “We Will Rock You” and hopefully, it will go normally as long as the pandemic doesn’t get out of hand. We hope to have a semi-normal season where we can do what we’ve done in the past.
Q: How can somebody get involved in drama club?
A: At the moment, there’s a form on the Google Classroom about drama club membership, and you would have to pay a $5 fee, and last weekend we had our Drama Club kickoff party and it was so fun. It’s like a little beginning of the year celebration, and we had super fun tours of the auditorium and learned about the fall plays. You can also get involved by asking a friend. They can guide you to Kris Ferencie, the director, and be involved in the crew, the cast, etc. There are many ways to get involved in drama club, and it is pretty easy to do so. Also, the drama club website is another great resource for information.
Q: What is different about this year’s spring musical compared to last year’s spring musical?
A: Oh, boy, a lot. Last year’s musical, “Freaky Friday,” dealt with more realistic issues, other than the body-switching part. It had a more realistic set, like school settings and home settings, and it was a really heartfelt musical about family and love. This year is a bit more chaotic. We have the Queen musical, “We Will Rock You,” featuring a lot of songs by Queen, and it takes place in a dystopian fantasy world. It takes place in the future when music is outlawed and instruments are also banned. It’s up to Galileo Figaro to bring back music against the villain, Killer Queen, and it’s really going to be amazing. The set’s going to be really cool, and we’re so excited about that, and all the technical aspects of it will be especially amazing– the costumes definitely will not be anything like “Freaky Friday.” It’s going to be a whole rock concert type of vibe, so that’s very different and very exciting.
Q: Is there anything else you would like to add about this year’s season?
A: Oh, yeah, there’s the annual One Acts that happen in February. Last year, we had virtual one acts and (sighs) that was interesting. We did them live over Zoom and, well, this year, we’re going back to normal. We have our sets of directors, and we’re all really excited to cast these one acts and get to work and have a normal one act season back. I think we’re all probably going to do comedies, so it’s going to be a pretty funny night.
In all, Mira and the rest of the Drama Club are rapidly preparing for the new shows. From auditions to performances, the entire SHS Drama Club is really excited to get the season started.