“Bachelor in Paradise” season seven: Who’s most likely to stay together?

Kenny Braasch and Mari Pepin: Image is found on Kenny’s Instagram account (Kennybraasch10)
November 2, 2021
Will you accept this rose? Another drama-filled season of “Bachelor in Paradise” came to a close on Oct. 5 with three couples resulting in an engagement. On the show, male and female contestants from past seasons of “The Bachelor,” and “The Bachelorette” and even previous seasons of “Bachelor in Paradise,” travel to a beautiful beach resort in Mexico with the intentions of finding “the one.” And, the last episode tests the remaining couples to see if they have what it takes to maintain a relationship outside of paradise.
Is season seven intriguing? Yes. Does it leave you aching to see what happens next Monday and Tuesday night? Yes. The outcome of this season’s “Bachelor in Paradise” was definitely not predicted when looking at the first day on the beach. But as time flew by, three couples started to solidify more quickly than others, moving in the right direction. There were plenty of obstacles in the way for each couple, but that just made their relationships even stronger. Since the purpose of the show is to see how the relationship will look in reality, outside the resort, do these couples have what it takes to last? Here is my ranking of the three couples who got engaged in order from the least potential to last as a couple, to most potential.
3. Kenny Braasch and Mari Pepin
Oh, Kenny and Mari. A couple that had an initial spark. In the beginning of the season, they were automatically attracted to each other, having lots of chats and conversations. Although they seemed to be going on the right track, Mari began to overthink their relationship. She pulled Kenny aside to basically tell him that she wanted to keep her options open when clearly, she didn’t. But, when Demi Burnett, a previous “Bachelor in Paradise” and “The Bachelor” contestant showed up on the beach, Mari realized how much she wanted Kenny. Kenny did have a quick fling with Demi, but it was nothing serious and ended quite quickly. Kenny also went on a date with Tia Booth, another previous contestant on both tv shows. In result, Mari’s jealousy went through the roof, and her motive was then to prove to Kenny how she was ready to get serious about a relationship with him. And after that conversation, their relationship blossomed into love and happiness, potentially for eternity. But, from looking deeper into their relationship, they are 15 years apart in age. But even so, Mari has shown many moments of immaturity and foolish nature during her time on paradise. So, is Mari mature enough for Kenny? Also, the drama that was intertwined with their relationship was silly and honestly a little childish, and mostly on Mari’s behalf. Of course they will claim that their relationship was tested, and that the roadblock made it more sturdy. In reality, the “challenges” that they faced are irrelevant to making a stronger relationship. If they can’t handle what happened on paradise, they won’t be able to handle real adult situations. Real-life arguments about having kids, moving in together and family issues are more understandable. So, Kenny and Mari. My faith is shaken.

2. Joe Amabile and Serena Pitt
Next on the chopping black is Joe and Serena. As a couple, they were together from beginning to end of paradise. But, at first, Joe was mopey and had no faith in himself to find love again. There wasn’t anyone who really caught his eye, besides Serena, who was skeptical in pursuing a relationship with Joe. Also, Joe was coming off of a relationship with Kendall Long, in which they first developed their connection at the beach. So, his feelings were all over the place, and he was questioning whether he should pack his bags and leave paradise. Well, Joe’s mindset definitely changed when they had their first intimate conversation about what they were. Did they want to build a solid connection? Did they see potential with each other? Yes. Since then, Joe and Serena’s relationship has grown immensely. They were the first couple to reciprocate the “I love you” statement, confessing their pure feelings for each other. On the other hand, once Kendall walked down the stairs to the beach, Joe and Serena’s hearts took a turn. Kendall’s sole intention of coming back was to try and win back Joe’s heart. But, even through multiple conversations filled with tears and explanations, Joe’s heart was set on Serena, and he realized that was the moment where he could ultimately move on from Kendall. So, again, setbacks can help further a relationship into something stronger. Now, here comes the drawbacks. Number one, will Joe and Serena face the same problem he and Kendall faced? Joe and Kendall broke up because of the distance between their home towns, and neither of them could compromise on moving for each other. And, Serena lives in Canada while Joe lives in Illinois. That could create problems. Number two, they are a bit too cheesy for my liking. Sometimes, their conversations seemed a bit inauthentic. And, number three, they never mentioned anything about their families or background. As an avid watcher of all three platforms, I still don’t remember who their family consists of, and how they impact their lives. Personally, coming from someone who is very family-oriented, they didn’t cover that topic. In the end, will their engagement last? Will they get married and live happily ever after? I give them a few more months.

1. Riley Christian and Maurissa Gunn
Last but not least, comes Riley and Maurissa. Making history being the first African American couple to get engaged on the show, they had instant chemistry for each other, and it rooted from their first date. Since then, their relationship has blossomed into a secure relationship. They spend all their waking minutes together on the beach, getting to know each other better and better. Also, out of all the couples on paradise for this season, Riley and Maurissa’s conversations were the most authentic and realistic. Maurissa and Riley were able to break their shell and be vulnerable with each other about how they communicate their true feelings. Conversations about the future were also evident within their relationships, like marriage and kids. One of the big things that Riley was able to share with Maurissa was information regarding his parents and family. So, the way they mutually share their insecurities and troubles within their life, expresses an area of potential for the future. Now, like every couple, they both had some minor doubts at a couple moments. But, the atmosphere they were in created that feeling. They had to really start to envision what their future would look like, and that was worrisome for them. Yet, that step is important in a relationship, and they endured it. In all, Riley Maurissa has the most potential to stay together. Where will their relationship take them?
Of course, all these couples have the potential to go far in their relationships. Also, we get updates constantly from all the couples on social media, so we will definitely be in check with their relationship status. Will they go as far as Jade and Tanner Tolbert, who got engaged on “Bachelor in Paradise” and are married and have kids? We will have to wait and see to find out who gets the real final rose.