The creativity inside Solon High School’s “Images” Club

Piece of Abstract Artwork by Divjot Kaur
November 5, 2021
Artwork created with passion has the ability to inspire, motivate and impact lives. It has the ability to give perspective, reminding individuals what is important in life. “Images” is Solon High School’s (SHS) Art and Literary magazine.
The deadline to submit for Fall “Images” 2021 is Monday, Nov. 8. Submissions can be turned in online at [email protected].
Originally, the literary magazine was a paper publication that has now been online for the past five years. It is a virtual magazine to showcase the artwork, texts and creations of the Solon High School student body. Nanci Bush, an SHS English teacher, has been the advisor for “Images” the past 17 years. Bush discussed why students should become a part of this club.
“Students who are interested in creative writing, any kind of art [photography, digital, drawing or painting], dance, musical composition, short films, or even publishing should consider joining our club,” Bush said. “Benefits include a chill group of students who enjoy discussing the finer parts of artistic and literary creations, and then debating their merits and choosing some for publication.”
“Images” is a club that encourages students to be open-minded with their thoughts. Holly Hill, Senior and “Images” co-editor, gave input on what the magazine has done for her and what it could do for others.
“To me, ‘Images’ is a chance for students to share their voices and perspectives,” Hill said. “Whether students debate which theme we should select for upcoming issues, or submit literary and art works, ‘Images’ is a place for students to say what is on their minds.”
Hill expresses how “Images” strives to create a positive environment that motivates individuals to succeed. Hill also discussed her experience as an editor.
“‘Images’ is a really open and welcoming place,” Hill said. “When I first joined ‘Images’ as a sophomore, I noticed that the club has an easy-going mood, and the students are always warm and respectful. I also really like being a co-editor. I get to work with really unique people to create new issues of decades-old magazines. Lastly, I went out of my comfort zone in ‘Images.’”
Each year, “Images” has a different theme that inspires students to create unique art.
“Wired is our current theme,” Bush said. “We hope students will consider this theme from many different perspectives, both literally and figuratively. They might consider how we are wired to certain spaces or devices, or how it feels to be free from such responsibilities too. Students might make wire art, compose stringed musical compositions, or create a puppet show. Solon students are very creative, and I can’t wait to see this year’s submissions.”
Individuals get an opportunity to write short stories, poems and make art. Iris Yu, Senior and co-editor of “Images,” describes what the club means to her.
“More than anything else, I believe in the transformative power of storytelling, in all its forms, from visual to written to oral,” Yu said. “Images is an incredible opportunity for students to engage in discussion and creation of art — not only is publication an incentive to work on your own art, but our evaluation of submitted works facilitates improvement. Images is a great introduction to the world of publishing.”
Being an editor can be a challenging role to fulfill. Yu also shared how “Images” spurred her development as a writer and talked about her role as an editor.
“My first publication was in ‘Images,’ and since then, I’ve had short stories and poems published in a multitude of other literary magazines and even nominated for Pushcart Prizes and the Best of the Net anthology,” Yu said. “As far as being an editor, I give honest criticism on pieces we evaluate. Honestly, there is no formula for becoming an ‘Images’ editor. All you need is passion and willingness to speak your mind, even when those around you may disagree.”
The editors of “Images” have received much praise for their work and deserve more for what they are doing, according to Bush. Bush also encouraged students to join “Images” by providing positive feedback on the club and revealing that talent should never be hidden.
“I especially enjoy giving students an opportunity to write for an authentic audience,” Bush said. “Our school has many talented writers, and more people should read and praise their work than just their English teachers.”
Club meetings are held every other Monday in room 172A.