Christmas Tree O Christmas Tree

A Christmas tree decorated for both Christmas and Hanukkah
December 15, 2021
As Christmas arrives the students of Solon High School (SHS) share their Christmas trees and plans for decoration. Some SHS students celebrate Christmas, and some students do not, but those who do have exciting ways of celebrating and involving their Christmas trees in their traditions. Some people decorate their Christmas trees the same but some people have different and intriguing decorations they do each year.
Having interviewed many of the students at SHS there are many students who celebrate Christmas. Seven out of the 11 interviewees have 1-2 Christmas trees in their homes for the holidays. Excitingly, freshmen Ella Nasca and CJ Burney, sophomore Sasha Zahler and junior Kate Rose have three or more Christmas trees in their homes, of varying sizes.
Eight out of the 11 interviewees have a fake Christmas tree in their homes, while the other three have real ones in their homes. Senior Marissa Parfejewiec, though, has both a fake and a real Christmas tree in her house.
One thing that many people don’t realize is a debatable topic is whether or not to use a real or fake Christmas tree and which they like better.
“Real is better because the trees smell good and give a more authentic take to decorations and the Christmas vibe of the house,” Nasca said.
Zahler disagrees.
“I like fake Christmas trees because then I can put up as early as I want without having to worry about it dying,” she said.
As decorating a tree is one of the most exciting parts of the holiday season and Christmas time, some students describe how they decorate their Christmas trees for the holiday’s. Each person has a different family home and life, it is popular to decorate with lights and ornaments, but each house’s Christmas tree brings their own traditions to light.
“My Christmas tree is Mickey Mouse themed, so I use red and black lights along with ornaments,” Beautiful York said.
Student Lindsay Lebowitz even though she is Jewish still participates in Christmas traditions and decorates her tree with lights and ornaments.
Some students have a theme for their trees at home.
“I decorate my tree with lights and shiny ornaments, especially Star Wars themed ones,” Senior Jake Millet said.
Christmas time is a magical time that brings families together, and Christmas trees are a symbol of the holiday and the spirit in the air. All these students have their own unique ways of celebrating Christmas and how they go about the trees they use and their own opinions on these trees.