Ms. Lagania joins the Solon High School English Department

September 12, 2022
A new school year also means new additions to the building. This year, new teacher Laura Lagaina joins the English department and speaks about past experiences with hopes for this coming year.
Q: How do you like Solon so far?
A: I like it a lot, and it’s very different from what I’m used to. I think partly because I was at a middle school before and this is a high school. But the students have been really good, really well behaved and very
motivated to try their best and keep their grades up.
Q: Are you a club leader or a coach for anything involving the school?
A: I am coaching the 9th grade volleyball team this year.
Q: Have you coached before?
A: Yes I have.
Q: Did you play volleyball as a kid?
A: Yes, in 7th and 8th grade.
Q: Why did you choose to become an English teacher specifically?
A: I always really liked reading and that was kinda my escape as a kid. I was first obsessed with “Harry Potter,” I think I read the first book in third grade. It just kinda took off from there, I was always a really avid reader, and I wanted kids to like reading too. I know that a lot of times when kids come into my room they already have preconceived notions, sometimes they like it, sometimes they hate it, and I want kids to realize that reading can actually be a good thing.
Q: What is your favorite part of being a teacher?
A: The kids. Hands down the kids. Like interacting with the kids, getting to know my students, helping them out, not just inside the classroom but outside of the classroom as well. Hands down, kids.
Q: How would you describe your teaching style?
A: I try to be interactive and not just talk in front of the classroom. If you come into my room, besides today because we took a test today, I typically have my students set up in groups because we have stuff where we are talking to each other. I like to encourage collaboration in my room where it’s not just me up in front of the room talking.
Lagania impacts her students as both a coach and a teacher, freshman Addison Gillette speaks about having Lagania as both a volleyball coach and English teacher.
Q: How is it like having Lagania as a volleyball coach and a teacher?
A: It’s really nice because I can talk to her about stuff, and I can come to her if I need anything and she is really nice.
Q: Do you feel more comfortable knowing that you are both new to the school?
A: Yes, because we can both relate to each other in that, and we can help each other out.
Q: As your coach do you feel that she pushes you in similar ways on the court and in the classroom?
A: Yes, she always encourages us to keep going on the court and to push ourselves in reading in the classroom.
Solon High School students and teachers can’t wait to see all that Ms. Lagania brings in both the classroom and on the sidelines of the volleyball courts.