From Left: Juniors Jordan Thompson, Shruti Gupta and Jessica Pan collect money to support the SHS Band, Orchestra and Starlettes on Tag Day.
SHS Band, Orchestra and Starlettes hold annual Tag Day
September 2, 2015
Last Saturday, August 29, the Solon High School (SHS) Band, Orchestra and Starlettes held their annual fundraiser, Tag Day. On Tag Day, band and orchestra members travel around to neighborhoods in Solon to raise money to support the SHS instrumental music programs.
Tag Day is the biggest fundraiser every year for all three organizations. The donations raised pay for upkeep of instruments, new uniforms and the overall running of the program; however, this year the funds are particularly important.
“[Tag Day] this year is an especially crucial one because we’re planning on going to Orlando, Florida with the Starlettes, Orchestra and Show Choir to perform at Universal Studios,” Band President Lauren Huang said. “The trip is optional; however, we’d love to make it possible for every single student to go. Most of the funds this year will be centered around the trip so we can get as many kids to Florida as possible.”
The 2015-2016 band officers, Huang, Vice President Andi Kasper, Treasurer Andrew Park, Librarian Clancy Thomas, Secretary Wilbert Ren and Historian Emily Zeaman, have made strides to make Tag Day more profitable and have added new ideas to the Band’s repertoire of fundraisers.
“The other officers and I have been suggesting and brainstorming new ideas with [Park] on different methods of fundraising, and I believe that we will have even more successful fundraisers to come,” Huang said. “The fact that the we cover[ed] every neighborhood in Solon [for Tag Day] this year, unlike past years, will really benefit us.”
Junior Shruti Gupta said that along with newer ideas for fundraising, Tag Day continues to be very successful for the SHS Band, Orchestra and Starlettes due to the contributions of many different groups of people.
“We have lots of amazing parent volunteers who take a few hours out of their weekend to help us out by driving the students around,” Gupta said. “The students also work hard on Tag Day, going door to door. And of course, where would we be without the support of fantastic people who donate their money to a great cause?”
The Band Director Ed Kline explained that the Solon community is vital to the prosperity of the Solon High School instrumental music program.
“The support from the community makes Tag Day a continual success,” Kline said. “They would not donate all that money if they didn’t appreciate and support the Band and Orchestra. We wouldn’t be nearly as successful as we are now without those funds,”
Kline furthered that even though Tag Day must be taken seriously, band orchestra and Starlette members also get to let loose during the annual event.
“They find a way to enjoy Tag Day,” he said. “The band members get asked while they’re asking for donations to do the band dance on people’s lawns, and they do it and get more money for it.”
Gupta explained that supporting band makes the long day of Tag Day worthwhile.
“I love it,” Gupta said. “I enjoy walking around with my friends and talking to them and just having a good time as we collect money that will help us out. It can get a little hot in the uniform, but it’s worth it to raise money for an organization we care so much about.”