Book bans are rapidly increasing in America

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Setara Reddy, Staff Writer

In addition to the thousands of book bans in the U.S. within the past few years, Hilliard City School District in Ohio recently began collecting signatures to ban 40 books. The majority of these books are about controversial topics, like the LGATQIA+ community, race and culture. This could lead to even more books being banned in Ohio: continuing to raise the number of banned books in the U.S. overall.

SHS has not implemented book bans. If parents are uncomfortable with their child reading certain books, they can talk to the teachers and ask for an alternative option.

“A book brings good discussions,” Vice Principal Erica Kosiorek said. “You learn viewpoints, different perspectives and history through those conversations you can have around a book which is something [SHS] values.”

In other schools and libraries, book bans are often used so that children are not exposed to things that the state and parents believe are too heavy topics to teach children about.

For example, actions were taken as a result of not following book bans in Missouri, resulting in the state not giving any money to libraries, and even threatening to imprison librarians.

Although there are many differing opinions from parents, students, and school boards on book banning, there are other ways to provide censorship for concerned parents rather than outright banning books.

For students in school districts with banned books, Kosiorek said independent reading gives students a chance to read books of their choosing. English teacher Nanci Bush also said there are ways to access banned books outside of school.

In New York, there’s a public library that helps kids have access to banned books if they want them,” said Bush.

So, even though students might not be able to read the books they want in a school setting, they still have the opportunity to read the books they want on their own.

However, class discussions about books can broaden students’ viewpoints on their own thoughts and opinions.

“I think that no books should be banned,” English teacher Sophia Viglione said. “Instead of teaching people to fear information or stories we need to teach them how to think critically about it.”