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Solon High School’s Football Team hopes to gain their first win against Shaker tomorrow

Photo courtesy of Jayne Klein photography
Photo courtesy of Jayne Klein photography

Solon High School’s Football team plays their third game Friday, Sept. 1. Though suffering two losses, the team is ready to play the Shaker Raiders this week. Player Michael Pierce and Coach Bubonics give their insight on what it’s like being on the team. Pierce gives his insight in the interview below.

Q: What went wrong in the last game against Strongsville?

A: I think from week one our offense took a step, but we still need to take advantage of our opportunities.

Q: How do you keep yourself and your teammates motivated after a loss?

A: We watch film and keep in our heads that there’s a next game to improve and excel.

Q: What aspects of football do you enjoy the most?

A: I like to win. I like to win in things overall, but winning with my teammates is a great feeling.

Q: What is the rivalry between you and Shaker?

A: I don’t think there’s a rivalry– it’s more us being a better team and always beating them.

Q: How are you and the team preparing for this game as well as future games?

Practicing hard but with pace as well as a good game plan and trust in our coaches.

Below is more insight from Coach Bubonics, as he explains what him and the team are doing to prepare for Shaker.

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