For the first time, the PSAT will be going digital in schools. According to Prep Scholar, “The SAT is going digital in order to make the exam easier to take, easier to give, and more relevant for students.”
Prep Scholar also said that the test is going to be less stressful because it will be shorter, “the math and reading sections will be more relevant… [and] the test will be more accessible.”
National Merit Commended Scholar Mackenzie Blackford said she thinks the test scores will change because of the test going digital.
“I think test scores will either increase or decrease because, with the reading portion, some students will take longer to read digitally because they won’t be able to annotate and take notes,” Blackford said.
Kathleen Kinney said that this change is inevitable.
“Our world is only moving forward in terms of digitizing so many things, so we need to prepare our students for these changes in their education,” she said.
English teacher Vicki Maslo gave the PSAT tips night for English this year.
“I’m glad the test is shorter, as it is harder to stare at a screen nonstop for hours,” Maslo said. “I am hopeful that the shorter test still measures what is valuable and might mean that students won’t have to stress out as much about preparing for these tests. I advise students to take the practice tests to see if the new format fits them.”
Students cramming for tomorrow’s test can prepare by taking the online practice test.