People around the world have started wearing Adidas shoes again. For a while, Adidas weren’t as big with high school students, but now many high schoolers have been wearing their shoes. Students have been wearing Adidas Sambas and Campus 00 shoes to school daily to complete their outfits.
Junior Gia Mauceri said she feels that the shoes are good for different activities and come with different styles and the shoes are comfortable. Mauceri said she thinks the shoes go well together to complete an outfit, whether it’s for going out or just a chill staying-in outfit.
“The shoe is cute and comfortable, and it goes really well with lots of outfits,” Maurceri said. “I don’t recommend doing a lot of vigorous activities in the shoes though.”
Senior and Varsity Wrestler Adom Sharpley said he feels that the shoe itself is a very comfortable and supportive shoe. The shoes have a generic fashion which can match with many different outfits or for sports, he said.
“The shoe is very comfortable, but most importantly they’re durable and last a long time,” Sharpley said. “The Adidas brand have many different styles that pop off,” Sharpley said. “The shoes are good for many activities, they have football, wrestling shoes and Adidas is a great shoe overall.”
Sharpley uses other Adidas shoes for sports. He likes Adidas not just for the style but for the quality and support when he’s wrestling.

President of Fashion Club senior Jayla Miller said what she likes is that Adidas shoes go with many different styles depending on the color of the outfit. She likes that she can wear the shoes out to many different events.
“Depending on whether your outfit is unique for going out or if it’s a casual outfit, the shoes can go with both,” Miller said.
The few SHS students that have a good view of the Adidas shoes seem to like the new trend. Many teenagers and adults have realized how cute Adidas shoes are and have become more popular.
“The shoes come in lots of different colors, styles, and they’re very versatile,” Miller said. “Depending on the color, the shoes go with certain color outfits. The shoes are good for casual things, they can stay comfy for a while but not for exercising activities.”