With National Cookie Day being on Dec. 4, let’s take a deep dive into one of the most well known desserts. The cookie. We all remember baking cookies as a child. Cookies fresh out of the oven, the smell of the chocolate melting fills the air. That first bite. As it melts in your mouth, the softness of the cookie. Unfortunately, we may not always have time to bake our own cookies. Crumbl Cookie is the solution to this problem.
Crumbl Cookie is a fast food cookie place and opened in Solon on March 17. It was established in 2017 by co-founders Jason McGowan and Sawyer Hemsley. The two started the cookie franchise in order to achieve the perfect chocolate chip cookie.
For some people, Crumbl Cookie is just another type of cookie, but for others it’s more than that. Junior Camryn Cayne considers herself to be a Crumbl Cookie expert.
“I love Crumbl Cookie, ” said Cayne, “I would say I am a Crumble Cookie enthusiast. I get the lineup at least once or twice a month.”
Crumbl Cookies lineup consists of six different types of cookies and cakes. Each cookie is unique in its own way. But what is it about the cookies that keep people coming? Junior Ari Zelwin said it is the texture of the cookie.
“The goodness on the inside but the crispness of the outside and the warmth of the cookie,” Zelwin said.
On the other side of the cookie world, there are some who don’t like Crumbl Cookie. But why? For Freshman James McMeecham, it’s the sugar in the cookie.
“It has too much sugar in it to be honest, and they are also massive for no reason,” McMeecham said.
But besides Crumbl Cookie, what about normal cookies? What do people think about when they eat those cookies? Junior Emma Frid loves kitchen sink cookies, a mix of chocolate chips, pretzels and chips. She says cookies remind her of hanging out with friends and having fun.
“I just associate cookies with like late night, watching movies with your friends and eating some cookies like the Halloween cookies,” Frid said.
Cookies have different effects on other people. Some love them, while some don’t. Freshman Kaylee loves cookies.
“Cookies bring my heart joy,” May said.