Brandy Melville is an Italian fashion brand loved and loathed by many. Their simple and dainty clothes attract teenagers all over the world and whether you know it or not, you have probably saved a Brandy Melville pin on Pinterest.
Brandy Melville is known for selling basic clothing staples such as hoodies, sweatpants and tank tops. Their clothing has simple heart and floral print designs which are loved by many teens.
Junior Anya Evdokimenko said she loves Brandy Melville.
“The clothes are affordable and good quality,” Evdokimenko said.“They have the cutest basics ever and the comfiest sweats. I also really enjoy the stickers, pins and other accessories the store has.”
Brandy Melville’s main form of marketing and promoting their business has always been social media, mainly Instagram and TikTok. Their Instagram is well known for their aesthetic pictures of outfits modeled by teens.
“I follow Brandy Melville on Instagram, and I find it very aesthetic,” said Evdokimenko. “It’s basically like scrolling through their online store.”

The store started as a cute surfer/California style and has evolved over the years, but has always been known for not having traditional sizing, and instead just “one size fits all.”
Although it is popular, a lot of people say it’s popular for the wrong reasons.
“I think it’s popular for its strong presence on social media and the ‘exclusivity’ shoppers feel from being able to fit into the smaller sizes,” said Sophomore Adriana Friedman.
The idea of their clothes being one size fits all has caused much retaliation, because of course, one size does not fit all.
“Brandy targets teenage girls, and with all the insecurity and hormones of a teenage girl, if an item doesn’t fit, ‘one size fits all’ can translate to ‘this size fits everyone except me,’” said sophomore Tessa Silverberg.
The increased criticism of Brandy Melville became stronger when in April of 2024, the documentary “Brandy Hellville & the Cult of Fast Fashion” was released, which swayed many opinions of the store.
In interviews throughout the film, past employees discussed the beauty standards of not only the clothes in general, but how the main founder of the store, Stephan Marsan was known to only hire “pretty and thin” teenagers.
Beauty standards around teenagers have always caused a surge in insecurities and body image, which can also lead to unhealthy ways to cope.
“Brandy and beauty standards in general make being skinny and attractive seem so vital,” Silverberg said.
Silverberg, Evdokimenko and Friedman all came to the conclusion that as a teenager, it is difficult to live up to society’s expectations.
“There is no ‘one size fits all’ that defines us as humans,” said SHS counselor Adriana Ripma. “Whatever the shape or size we come in, we are all still beautiful and we have to love ourselves– because we are worthy of that.”