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The student news site of Solon High School

The SHS Courier

The SHS Courier

The SHS Courier

Only about 58.5 percent of 22-26 year-olds actually voted in the most recent presidential election.

Make your voice heard through voting

Julia Schwartz, Contributing Writer
March 23, 2018
#enoughisenough trends on twitter as more and more students advocate for the nationwide school walkout and March For Our Lives.

It’s time to walk out

Melissa Ellin, Contributing Writer
March 9, 2018
"The Hate U Give" has English 11 Honors students mesmerized by its plot.

SHS: keeping it real

Melissa Ellin, J1 Student
February 6, 2018
Students "hard at work" watching a movie in Solon High School's study hall.

Study Hall: A trap

Melissa Ellin, Contributing Writer
January 22, 2018
A man read a false news rumor that sex slaves were being held inside Comet Ping Pong. He entered the pizza shop with a gun.

Stamping out fake news is not a false hope

Megan Lebowitz, Contributing Writer
January 12, 2018
FirstEnergy Stadium, home of the Browns, has been dubbed the "Factory of Sadness" for good reason.

Why I lost faith in the Browns

Jake Novack, Writing Editor
November 26, 2017
The start of the violent Tennessee fan fight on Aug. 5.

NFL stadiums need to clean up the act

Jacob Novack, Writing Editor
September 25, 2017
Freshman Esra and senior Selin Orge starting the school year together.

A letter to the freshmen

Madison McGirr, Web Editor
August 30, 2017
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